Conference Chairs
Sandra Ponzanesi (Utrecht University)

Koen Leurs (Utrecht University)

Conference Assistants
Julia de Lange (Utrecht University)

Frederik Kohler (University of Hamburg)

Conference Team
ECREA Diaspora, Migration and the Media board: Koen Leurs, Kevin Smets & Irati Agirreazkuenaga
Organisation PhD Workshop: Melis Mevsimler & Philipp Seuferling
Facilitators PhD Workshop: Saskia Witteborn & Nishant Shah
Conference blogger: Guanqin He, Utrecht University
Conference social media content manager: Maksymilian Tomasz Monko, Vrije Universiteit Brussels
Visual storytelling: Renée van den Kerkhof,
Submission reviewer team: Amanda Alencar, Irati Agirreazkuenaga, Laura Candidatu, Joep Hofhuis, Stijn Joye, Sara Marino, Melis Mevsimler, Claudia Minchilli, Silvia Niebla, David Ongenaert, Kevin Smets, Mélodine Sommier
Institutional Affiliations
The conference is part of the ERC project CONNECTINGEUROPE, Digital Crossings in Europe: Gender, Diaspora and Belonging, led by prof. Sandra Ponzanesi.
The conference is organized in collaboration with the DMM section (Diaspora, Migration and the Media) of ECREA (European Communication Research and Education).
Utrecht University, the Department of Media and Culture
Utrecht University, the Graduate Gender Programme
Utrecht University, the IOS Gender and Diversity Hub
Utrecht University focus area Migration and Societal Change
Utrecht University focus area Governing the Digital Society
Utrecht University wide Special Interest Group, Digital Migration